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Mình đã root thành công LG G Pro Lite Dual 4.4.2.
Rất đơn giản, chỉ cần 1 phút, không cần máy tính.
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How to root LG G Pro Lite KitKat 4.4.2

In this post, i will show you how to root LG G pro lite kitkat 4.4.2, you might already tried to root using vroot, kingo, framaroot or any other program, but none is working.
Kitkat is special, so we need special tool to root it, on LG G3 which also runs kitkat 4.4.2 you can root using towelroot.
Unfortunately, this towelroot does not work on our G pro lite, despite having the same OS as LG G3, maybe in the next version towelroot will works.
But for now let's root our G pro lite using chinese tool called easyroot. There is an english version of easyroot, but the one that works with LG G pro lite is the chinese version (the latest one).
Step by step how to root LG G pro lite kitkat 4.4.2 :
- download easyroot apk, from here or here
- install easyroot apk on your G pro lite (make sure the unknown sources is checked)
- open easy root, press the button on the right (it's license agreement)
- press the blue button to root the phone
- press the ok button and then exit easyroot
- go to google play store and download super su app by chainfire
- open supersu app, you will be informed the su binary needs update, choose continue.
- next you will be asking, how to install the su binary, choose normal
- supersu will begin updating, and easyroot will pop up, quickly press the button on the right
- there might be error, but it's okay, you just need to reboot/restart
- after reboot, you can uninstall easyroot
Congratulation you have just root your LG G pro lite kitkat, noticed that we don't need a computer with this root method.
Now you can verify the root access, by running one of the root required app or use root checker app if you like.

So how to unroot? there is an option on supersu to unroot, but i don't think it's a clean unroot, the only way to really have clean unroot is to flash again using LG mobile support tool.
Which means download another 811 MB data and flash your LG G pro lite, this will make your phone fresh again and the root completely gone.
This rooting method was tested successfuly on LG G pro lite dual D686 firmware V20A, later firmware may contain patch, so this method may or may not work.
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